About Us
Swift Growth Miners is a company that started as an idea, around which a team of enthusiastic visionaries was built. This team, consisting of various investing experts, experimented and developed novel frameworks for creating diversified investments with a high return and high security. The most successful frameworks were solidified and functioned (and still do) as the backbone on which this investment platform now known as Swift Growth Miners was built.

Bitcoin mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the block chain, and also the means through which new bitcoin are released. Anyone with access to the internet and suitable hardware can participate in mining. The mining process involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the block chain and claim the rewards. The rewards, which incentivize mining, are both the transaction fees associated with the transactions compiled in the block as well as newly released bitcoin.

Entering into an agreement with the Swiftgrowthminers.com, protects an investor from the trouble of complex installation and maintenance of a mining farm. Online cryptocurrency mining excludes the presence of an unpleasant noise produced by the massive and complex hardware, a necessity to provide sufficient space for it, and also helps to avoid the issue of ensuring a performing cooling system. Aside from this, there are many other disadvantages of installing an own digital farm for cryptocurrency mining.

Technical maintenance Downtimes can last for weeks on a digital farm due to unavoidable and frequent hardware failures. At the same time, our company guarantees 100% fail-safe functioning of the rented equipment. Whenever a separate block comes out of order, an immediate switch to another working block is performed.


Hardware mining of cryptocurrency assets is one of the most prospects and profitable directions in the online business of the second decade of the 21st century. The use of progressive digital technologies and application of the latest achievements in computer engineering and macroelectronics to solve blockchain tasks are the principal area of expertise for Swiftgrowthminers.com. Since 2017 the company has been concentrating on practical use of innovations, technical and technological achievements and results of scientific progress applied for primary altcoins mining based on hardware mining farms. We also unite all of it in harmony with commercial promotion of the most prospective tokens on the global cryptocurrency trading markets. It is precisely the transformation of the scientific achievements starting from the primary idea to the implementation of an industrial-scale technology capable of making a stable profit. This all is our shared key to the start of mutually beneficial cooperation on the terms provided and exhaustively outlined on our website.


Maximum business efficiency and risk minimisation. From the first minutes of cooperation, Swiftgrowthminers.com, can offer the best investment terms at a nearly non-existent risk of drawdowns. As a venture company, Swiftgrowthminers.com, sees the principal and maximum potential of its development in close cooperation with representatives of external investment, while supporting its growth with innovative developments and creation of industrial-scale mining farms. Consequently, it gives Swiftgrowthminers.com, an advantage in further promotion of its services and products on the global investment and trading markets.


Broad-mindedness and strategically set business evolution prospect as well as organic combination and balance of cryptocurrency mining, market trading and promotion of new, prospectus tokens - this is our vision of a long-term business development speaking globally. These business areas have no counterparts whatsoever looking from the prospect and gradually growing development for decades ahead point of view. Also, the globality of our interests rests on the employment of the latest web and information technologies, which allow us to strengthen the presence of our services and products in any part of the world and on any specialist markets without reductions in our cooperation result efficiency. Every investor from any country in the world can feel the whole potential of Swiftgrowthminers.com, by cooperating with us and conducting mutual business in the sphere of online investments.

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